Invisible chair prank kit
Invisible chair prank kit


  • About 15 seconds and some nimble fingers.
  • This handy Chrome extension will replace every image on every page with a different photo of – you guessed it – Nicolas Cage.Ī favorite at, this trick will have your coworkers scratching their heads.


    Wish there was a way to update the Nic Cage insanity for the digital age? Well, nCage has already beat you to it. Nicolas Cage-ify Your Coworker’s Browser with nCage (This photo of Nicolas Cage from Vampire’s Kiss works particularly well.)ģ. Replace family pics with photos of your favorite weirdo celebrity. (Note: this one also works with airhorns.)ĭoes your co-worker keep a photo of a cherished loved one? Well, it’s about time they appreciated one of the greatest actors of all time, and not their kid or whatever. (You don’t want to be smelling that stuff if it heads your way.) Step 3: Use the clothespin to plug your nose. Step 2: Duct tape the bottle of body spray directly under the seat so that when the chair moves down, it depresses the spray. Step 1: Adjust the victim’s chair so that the chair gives slightly when someone sits on it.

    invisible chair prank kit

    One bottle of foul-smelling body spray (this “Anarchy” scented Axe body spray should do the trick).The idea is to rig up a bottle of body spray underneath the victim’s office chair so that when he sits down, it triggers the bottle to spray. This one comes from SnackNation Member Success Manager Jessie Montz, the self-described “Queen of the Office Pranksters.” Ok, now that we’ve got that out of the way, on to the fun office prank stuff. It is important for us to have a team who is happy and healthy and The Assist has provided tons of options to help make that possible for our team.” -Julie P. “One thing The Assist has helped me immensely with is keeping our company culture alive during this new shift to hybrid work.


    Once you’ve gone through our list, you can get additional workplace culture ideas from The Assist - a free weekly email for professionals full of actionable productivity and leadership inspo. Even if your intent isn’t malicious, you can still lose your job and/or put your company at risk. We know you’d never do this, but don’t engage in humor that pokes fun at anyone’s race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Ever heard of the phrase “hostile work environment?” Well, let’s hope you never do (especially coming from your lawyer or your company’s Head of HR). We’re talking about things like pulling the fire alarm, unleashing noxious stink bombs, or unplugging your company’s servers (as tempting as that might be). But don’t do anything that would cause major disruption or otherwise harm your business. They may even cause a minor disruption in the workday – the kind that makes people pop their heads up from their desks and smile (or shake their head). The best office pranks surprise and delight. That’s not a prank, that’s straight-up vandalism. Don’t ruin the paint on someone’s car, or break someone’s monitor, or stain their clothing.

    invisible chair prank kit

    That goes for office or personal property. Most of these are pretty obvious (and we seriously doubt any of you would do any of these things), but it’s worth mentioning that you should avoid doing any of the following: Once you’ve pranked your buddy at work… you may want to send them a reminder of the “damage” done… A platform like Bonusly can come in handy to cement the permanent record of your glorious victory… Click if you dare… First, a few ground rules. These are the best of the best, office pranks guaranteed to help you become the king (or queen) of office pranks – without getting fired. We tried to avoid all of the jokes you and your co-workers have probably already pulled on each other. With this in mind (and with April Fool’s Day coming up), we decided to put together our Ultimate Guide to pranking your colleagues. Of course, you don’t want to prank your colleagues with the same, tired pranks.

    invisible chair prank kit

    Sometimes you need a little office laughter to break up the day and recharge from all the time spent focusing on the serious stuff. According to a 2014 Gallup study, full-time adults work 47 hours each week, almost a full workday longer than the standard 40-hour workweek. I think it’s safe to assume that we all work really hard.īesides the fact that doing anything worthwhile takes hard work and dedication, the trend has been longer and longer hours for American office workers.

    Invisible chair prank kit